20 research outputs found

    Event-based Backpropagation for Analog Neuromorphic Hardware

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    Neuromorphic computing aims to incorporate lessons from studying biological nervous systems in the design of computer architectures. While existing approaches have successfully implemented aspects of those computational principles, such as sparse spike-based computation, event-based scalable learning has remained an elusive goal in large-scale systems. However, only then the potential energy-efficiency advantages of neuromorphic systems relative to other hardware architectures can be realized during learning. We present our progress implementing the EventProp algorithm using the example of the BrainScaleS-2 analog neuromorphic hardware. Previous gradient-based approaches to learning used "surrogate gradients" and dense sampling of observables or were limited by assumptions on the underlying dynamics and loss functions. In contrast, our approach only needs spike time observations from the system while being able to incorporate other system observables, such as membrane voltage measurements, in a principled way. This leads to a one-order-of-magnitude improvement in the information efficiency of the gradient estimate, which would directly translate to corresponding energy efficiency improvements in an optimized hardware implementation. We present the theoretical framework for estimating gradients and results verifying the correctness of the estimation, as well as results on a low-dimensional classification task using the BrainScaleS-2 system. Building on this work has the potential to enable scalable gradient estimation in large-scale neuromorphic hardware as a continuous measurement of the system state would be prohibitive and energy-inefficient in such instances. It also suggests the feasibility of a full on-device implementation of the algorithm that would enable scalable, energy-efficient, event-based learning in large-scale analog neuromorphic hardware

    Gradient-based methods for spiking physical systems

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    Recent efforts have fostered significant progress towards deep learning in spiking networks, both theoretical and in silico. Here, we discuss several different approaches, including a tentative comparison of the results on BrainScaleS-2, and hint towards future such comparative studies.Comment: 2 page abstract, submitted to and accepted by the NNPC (International conference on neuromorphic, natural and physical computing

    Demonstrating Advantages of Neuromorphic Computation: A Pilot Study

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    Neuromorphic devices represent an attempt to mimic aspects of the brain's architecture and dynamics with the aim of replicating its hallmark functional capabilities in terms of computational power, robust learning and energy efficiency. We employ a single-chip prototype of the BrainScaleS 2 neuromorphic system to implement a proof-of-concept demonstration of reward-modulated spike-timing-dependent plasticity in a spiking network that learns to play the Pong video game by smooth pursuit. This system combines an electronic mixed-signal substrate for emulating neuron and synapse dynamics with an embedded digital processor for on-chip learning, which in this work also serves to simulate the virtual environment and learning agent. The analog emulation of neuronal membrane dynamics enables a 1000-fold acceleration with respect to biological real-time, with the entire chip operating on a power budget of 57mW. Compared to an equivalent simulation using state-of-the-art software, the on-chip emulation is at least one order of magnitude faster and three orders of magnitude more energy-efficient. We demonstrate how on-chip learning can mitigate the effects of fixed-pattern noise, which is unavoidable in analog substrates, while making use of temporal variability for action exploration. Learning compensates imperfections of the physical substrate, as manifested in neuronal parameter variability, by adapting synaptic weights to match respective excitability of individual neurons.Comment: Added measurements with noise in NEST simulation, add notice about journal publication. Frontiers in Neuromorphic Engineering (2019

    Emulating insect brains for neuromorphic navigation

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    Bees display the remarkable ability to return home in a straight line after meandering excursions to their environment. Neurobiological imaging studies have revealed that this capability emerges from a path integration mechanism implemented within the insect's brain. In the present work, we emulate this neural network on the neuromorphic mixed-signal processor BrainScaleS-2 to guide bees, virtually embodied on a digital co-processor, back to their home location after randomly exploring their environment. To realize the underlying neural integrators, we introduce single-neuron spike-based short-term memory cells with axo-axonic synapses. All entities, including environment, sensory organs, brain, actuators, and the virtual body, run autonomously on a single BrainScaleS-2 microchip. The functioning network is fine-tuned for better precision and reliability through an evolution strategy. As BrainScaleS-2 emulates neural processes 1000 times faster than biology, 4800 consecutive bee journeys distributed over 320 generations occur within only half an hour on a single neuromorphic core

    A Scalable Approach to Modeling on Accelerated Neuromorphic Hardware.

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    Neuromorphic systems open up opportunities to enlarge the explorative space for computational research. However, it is often challenging to unite efficiency and usability. This work presents the software aspects of this endeavor for the BrainScaleS-2 system, a hybrid accelerated neuromorphic hardware architecture based on physical modeling. We introduce key aspects of the BrainScaleS-2 Operating System: experiment workflow, API layering, software design, and platform operation. We present use cases to discuss and derive requirements for the software and showcase the implementation. The focus lies on novel system and software features such as multi-compartmental neurons, fast re-configuration for hardware-in-the-loop training, applications for the embedded processors, the non-spiking operation mode, interactive platform access, and sustainable hardware/software co-development. Finally, we discuss further developments in terms of hardware scale-up, system usability, and efficiency